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Nathan Davis
Sep 8, 20222 min read
Teleportation is a long way away, so we drive
I guess humanities saunter in the fossil fuel age is why I drove for 5 days instead of appearing at the other edge of a continent in a...

Nathan Davis
Jan 9, 20215 min read
Display Equations in a Wix Blog using Mathjax
When I started blogging on Wix, I quickly realized rendering mathematic symbols would not be straightforward. In this post I'll explain...

Nathan Davis
Dec 31, 20203 min read
Journey to some of my values
Part of my job, my first job out of college is setting career goals, short term goals, my aspirations, and my brand. I must support all...

Nathan Davis
Dec 7, 20172 min read
Nonlinear Spike Detection for BCIs using CUDA
In college I had access to amazing programming tools. We got to use any version of visual studio, alongside integrated intel optimization...
Nathan Davis
Aug 29, 20171 min read
Cheat sheet on Basic Serial Optimization
Here's are some nice notes I took while learning about serial optimization at Penn State.
Nathan Davis
Aug 27, 20171 min read
Excited for the semester, research, capstone, and climbing.
My life just changed a lot very quickly. I moved from my internship at Capital One last summer back to State College PA for my final year...

Nathan Davis
May 15, 20172 min read
A new? C++ container: VectorQueue
Motivation As an Operating Systems project, we were asked to create a page table with least recently used (LRU) and first in first out...
Nathan Davis
Apr 28, 20171 min read
WaRung EEG Coffee App
Here’s a fun application I worked on at HackPSU Spring 2016. I was applying the principles of a brain computer interface class I was...
Nathan Davis
Apr 24, 20171 min read
Neural Engineering for Software and Computer Engineering Students
Here’s a guide I made to help computer and software engineers get involved in neural engineering. Now I know it's probably better...
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